Monday, December 21, 2015

I ran in to a fence

Big new3s of the week - I drove into a fence. I was on the intersection of Grant and Main in Inkom. And i was trying to stop at this stop sign, and instead of stopping, the car skidded, started sliding, went through the intersection, and into the fence. I saw it coming...and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Hahahaha. It was actually really funny. I broke part of the fender, cracked part of the front of the car, broke the axle, bent the wheel...yeah. So. There that was. I have since given up driving.

The transfer was this week and now I only have two more. What. But it's been fun and we've been working SO HARD. Like, really really hard. I'm almost sure we had more lessons this week than we did all of last transfer. Yeah. We actually found a new investigator this week, too! So I was stoked about that cuz we've had next to nothing going on the past few weeks. So. That's cool. 

I'm with Sister Brewer and Hoffman, Brewer goes home in 9 days, that's crazy. She's from Tennessee. Hoffman is from Pittsburgh and has been out like five months. They're both stellar missionaries and I'm enjoying being with them. We laugh a lot. 

Here's another funny story - we went up to this door to knock, and Brewer goes to open the screen door...and the handle breaks off. We were dying. No one we just left. Oops. But it was so funny.

I love my mission. I've been thinking about that a lot these past few weeks. It's completely changed how I think about things. I'm still the same person. I'm still Morgan, but the way I think about things and what I see as important in life has completely changed. That's exactly what I needed. My mission has been perfect for me. I haven't been in leadership my entire mission, I haven't had the most numerical success, but it's been perfect for me. 

Merry Christmas, can't wait to talk to you this week! 
Love, Morgan
New comps:  Sisters Brewer and Hoffman

Monday, December 14, 2015

Inkom, Round 2. And 12 weeks left. - December 14, 2015

WHAT. 12 weeks left. Crazy.

This week was pretty good. IT SNOWED FINALLY. 

Transfer calls came, and I'm staying in Inkom. Sister Leon is going to Pocatello, and I'm getting two sisters. One is going home at the end of the month, and the other has been out about 4 months. So, that will be fun. Hopefully...we'll be able to find more people to teach, cus...we're kind of empty right now. But. That's ok.

So here's a funny story from the week - we were driving around Inkom, and we see this deer. It ran across the road. Then. A whole heard of like, 20 deer ran across the road. You know you've been in Idaho too long when a herd of deer run across the street...and it's funny. 

Anyway, Christmas is coming up and I'm super stoked. I'll talk to you then!
I always send Morgan some fun decorations
She found some ice
Friends at Zone Conference 
More Zone Conference
Beautiful Inkom

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I was ill - December 7, 2015

I was ill this week. It was horrible. I kept getting really, really hot and then really, really cold and i was nauseous and it was just gross. But. I am better!

We had zone conference this week and it was awesome! I got to see a ton of my friends and that was fun. Sister Wooten straight up gave me a quesadilla maker for Christmas, haha. So then we had our Christmas talent show. And...well, I'll sing you the song I did when I get home. It was hilarious and everyone was laughing. It was a fantastic conference. I learned a lot.

Yesterday was just a fantastic day. We were sitting in Sacrament meeting, and I just felt..amazing. Taking the sacrament is the best part of the week. The chapel doors are literally the start and finish lines to my week. I love it. You know, I really wasn't that great of a person before my mission. I wasn't. But because of the Savior and because the sacrament, I can be better. I can start over each week. And that's fantastic. 

Thanks for everything you guys do, I really appreciate it. I love Idaho so much and I'm stupid happy to be here. Have a great week!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Post Thanksgiving Thanks - November 30, 2015

This week was awesome! Thanksgiving was THE BEST. It snowed so much the night before, so the roads were covered. It was so cold! I LOVE THE COLD. It's the best. And the snow. So, obviously..we went to a church parking lot and spun a few donuts and drifted a bit. Don't worry, we didn't get into any accidents!
But..then...i got stuck in a ditch/tree thing. Driving up in Pocatello. Oops. It was so funny though. So it was worth it.
Dinner was great. I spent it with one family i met in Tyhee that I absolutely love, so that was good. We had so much fun. That evening, our zone met at the mission office building and we played Murder in the Dark. That was so funny. There were about 30ish people there. So, thanksgiving was thanksgave and it was the best.

We had a really cool lesson this week with a family we've been teaching. The parents aren't members, but the kids were baptized last year some time. We read 2 Nephi 2 with them, and it was absolutely amazing. There was such a warm, peaceful feeling while reading that. It's stuff like that that makes missions worth it. I felt like I was on fire. I absolutely love the Book of Mormon and i love the peace that it brings. 

We have a busy week this week with zone conference, zone meetings, etc. Should be fun. 

Anyway, have a good week! Love you,